Detailed Summary of Chapter 6 to 10 from The Invisible Man


Detailed Summary of Chapter 6. The Furniture that Went Mad


Mr Hall Found the Door Ajar

 The Halls were preparing for the Club festival and thus, they had woken up early in the morning. Mr Hall went back upstairs to get some sarsaparilla. He was astonished to see that the stranger's door was open.

There was No One in the Room

Mrs Hall also came into inspect. On her way up, she heard someone sneeze. She thought that Mr Hall had sneezed and on the other hand, Mr Hall thought that it was her who had sneezed. She took a peek into the stranger's room and heard a sniff behind her neck, but Mr Hall was quite for away from her. The coupe found the stranger's clothes lying here and there along with his head bandages. The stranger was now here to be seen.

The Furniture Came to Life

While the couple was thinking that it was quite a curious thing that the room was empty, the bed clothes gathered themselves and jumped headlong over the bottom rail. Then the stranger's cap sprang up and dashed towards Mrs Hall's face. The other things also started to come to life and then the furniture started attacking the couple. The chair pushed the couple out. Poor Mrs Hall thought that her furniture was haunted by spirits.

The Couple Called for Help

They sent for Mr Sandy Wadgers, the blacksmith. He was a resourceful ma. He took a serious view of the situation. Mr Huxter and his apprentice were next to join. Mr Wadgers himself didn't believe in what the couple was saying and wanted to get his facts right.

The Stranger Suddenly Appeared

Then suddenly the stranger appeared from his room. No one had seen him until now. He came down and was staring at the gathered party. He rudely slammed the door on their faces. Mr Wadgers told Mr Hall to ask for an explanation. Mr Hall gathered some courage and went to confront him but the stranger shouted at him and demanded to be left alone.

Detailed Summary of Chapter 7. The Unveiling of the Stranger


Mrs Hall Decided to not to Serve the Stranger

The next day Mrs Hall was resolute. She has decided not to serve the stranger. He kept ringing the bell, but no one turned up. By this time, the news of burglary at the vicarage had spread and everyone suspected the stranger to be the culprit. Many people started to gather at the inn.

The Stranger Came Out

The stranger was unable to bear the hunger and finally came out. He called for Mrs Hall. She was in a fierce mood. The guest asked why his breakfast was not laid and Mrs Hall kept asking him to clear his bills. There was some swearing and Mrs Hall revolted. She must have nerved him for he became a bit tamed after that.

Mrs Hall Demanded an Explanation

Mrs Hall told him that she wondered where he suddenly got the money from. But more importantly, she wanted to now, and everybody else wanted to know what the stranger had done to her chairs and how he appeared and disappeared without anyone noticing him.

The Stranger Became Headless

This confrontation agitated the stranger and he did something that scared the wits out of Mrs Hall. He pulled out his fake nose in front of the poor lady . The whole bar was watching the scene. Suddenly, the stranger took off everything on his face. He became 'headless'. Everybody started to run out of the bar. Everyone came out on the street and started talking about what had just happened.

Bobby Jaffers Came to Arrert the Stranger

Mr Jaffers, the Village constable same to arrest the stranger. The people told him about what happened at the inn. He was resolute and said that head or no head he had to arrest the man. He went in with Mr Hall and Mr Wadgers. The stranger shouted that he had done nothing to be treated like that. A fight between Mr Jaffers and the stranger began. Finally, the stranger submitted.

The Unveiling of the Stranger

The stranger made a plan. He told that he was an invisible man. As soon as he got the opportunity, he started to take off his clothes. Jaffers realised it and asked everyone to stop the Invisible Man. But it was too late. As soon as his clothes came off, everybody started getting blows out of nowhere. Jaffers tried his best to contain the man, but it was impossible to fight the Invisible Man. Finally, he knocked out Jaffers and made his escape.

Detailed Summary of Chapter 8. In Transit


Mr Gibbon's Unusual Experience

Mr Gibbons a naturalist, was spending his day out in the open fields when he heard someone. He was sure that someone was sneezing and swearing and probably the man was a literate one. But to his astonishment, he could see no one. He heard the swearing rise as if the person was near and then the sounds faded away. He was very scared and ran towards the village.

Detailed Summary of Chapter 9. Mr Thomas Marvel


Mr Marvel Thomas

The ninth chapter began with the introduction of Mr Marvel Thomas, a naturalist. He was a short and fat man. He did everything leisurely and at the moment was pondering over the pair of shoes that he must wear. He had two pairs and was unable to decide which one would be best to wear. He had two pairs and was unable to decide which one would be best to wear.

The Voice

While he was lost in his musings about the shoes, a voice came from behind. Mr Marvel was very much busy with the shoes and he didn't bother to look at the person. Both of them started talking about the shoes without Marvel looking at his company. Finally, Mr Marvel turned and was taken aback. There was no one behind him.

Mr Marvel was Confused

Mr Marvel was confused as he could hear someone talking to him, but could not see the person. He thought ha someone was trying to fool him. He thought that the drink he had, had gotten the better of him and he was imagining things. All this time, the voice kept coming, but he was not able to see anyone.

The Invisible Man

The Invisible Man decided to make him realise that he was indeed real by throwing flints at him. One of the hit poor Mr Marvel. The voice further told Mr Marvel that he was just invisible and nothing else. he was a human being like him, but only invisible. Mr Marvel was still having a hard time believing it. He asked for the invisible man's hand. He touched his hand and realised that it was rather skinny as the man hadn't eaten full meals.

The Invisible Man Asked for Help

The Invisible Man informed Mr Marvel that being invisible was no way easy business and he wanted some help. Mr Marvel was confused. He didn't know how he could be of any help to the man. He said that being an Invisible Man he would be of great help to him, but if Mr Marvel betrayed him then there will be consequences. Mr Marvel had no choice, but to submit.

Detailed Summary of Chapter 10. Mr Marvel's Visit to Iping


Life tried to Return to Normalcy

After the unveiling incident of the Invisible Man at the 'Coach and Horses', life of the village folks tried to return to normalcy. However, there were still doubts in the minds of the people. The incident has left Mr Wadgers and Mr Jaffers in utter shock. Though, the town was tentative about what had happened, the festival mood calmed their senses.

Another Stranger Entered the Village

While the poeple were engrossed in festivities, another stranger entered the village. We could recognise that he was actually Mr Marvel - by his appearance and the sort of clothes that he was wearing. He was appeared to be talking to himself as Mr Huxter remarked.

The Stranger Entered the Inn

Initially, the stranger was not ready to enter the 'Coach and Horses' but then hi took his time to make up his mind and entered. There he saw Mrs Hall. All this time, Mr Huxter was keeping a keen eye on him. The stranger came out and stood there for some time.

Mr Huxter's Chase was Brought to an Abrupt Halt

Mr Huxter's suspicion was right. The stranger was a thief. He had stolen some books. Mr Huxter ran to catch him. The short stranger was terrified to see Mr Huxter after him. Mr Huxter was chasing him when suddenly his shin was hit and he was tripped. He was brought to an abrupt halt; lying on the ground, hurt, he gave up the chase.

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